It’s hard to believe January has come and gone, and alas February has arrived. Is it just me, or did January feel like a year unto its own? We’ve survived the first of 2019, and here, from our lovely Elysse, we have some fun decoding this upcoming month. Hope you enjoy. Thank you, Elysse!


All that extra energy of the past month might have you feeling a bit drained this month, Aries. Or maybe even a little strung out! It’s a good idea to put practice to the idea of rationing your energy out in healthy ways; maybe even ways you haven’t thought of before. You’d be surprised what you can do when you think of what kind of love you want to express to the world. Be it through sports, adventure, studying vigorously through eight new topics, you never know until you try! Find what you love, and embrace it. Seek out others in these areas; you might just make some interesting new friends.

Feeling tired this past month, Taurus? Don’t worry, you’re still biding your time, maybe even thinking long and hard about how you want to better yourself. A new fitness regime, maybe? A new belief in yourself? The time is coming to really commit to this new ideal you’ve been stirring inside yourself. It’s okay to know your limits, to be kind to yourself in those times we all feel weak; those are the times we learn to best love and care for ourselves. Remember, you might feel a familiar urge to do something more to help your public image, and that’s okay, but see what makes you feel happy for you, Taurus.

So Gemini. What’s your bigger picture? What do all of your bits and pieces, all the knowledge you collect, mean? How do they all fit together in the larger scheme of your life? Have you ever explored that side of yourself? You might just have some of the perfect people in your life to discuss this kind of thing with, or maybe you are just who you need right now? Maybe there are people you are just about to meet that can crack open your understanding of your personal world; keep an open mind (as I know you’re prone to doing) and what you find might blow your socks off.

Cancer, you know who your friends are. Or if not, you know who you don’t need as friends anymore. I know you’re the type to be sentimenal until the end, and that’s okay- but loving nostalgia doesn’t mean you have to keep the same people in your life forever. Sometimes we don’t get the fondness of memory until that person has moved on. Until you’ve moved on. You know you’re changing, and it’s scary and totally outside your comfort zone … But you will be so lovingly surprised at who this new you really is. The type of people you’re going to attract into your life, just by living your honest self. Trust your heart, Cancer. It is your center, after all.

Oh shining star, you’ve really been finding out how to share the spotlight lately, haven’t you? Or perhaps finding out places that might just be worthy of a multi-cast programming. Whatever the case, make sure you’re being honest about who you’re drawing into your circle; are they friend or frienemy? Trust your intuition here, Leo; even if they look great and sound great, watch for their actions. Are they being true to who they say they are? You’ve learned a lot about how to see a charmer in snake’s clothing, so if they seem too good to be true, take that in stride. But don’t forget, you can always learn about yourself from an enemy. Not every heartbreak need be in vain. You’re learning to trust your heart and soul for good, this time.

Oh sturdy Virgo; you’ve been nose to the grind lately, haven’t you? This month has been a lot about you yourself and you, or at least I hope it has! This month is a great time to really dig into how your body is working. Maybe try a different approach to meal time? You’re usually pretty aware of what’s good for you, though your self control might be a little sideways with it sometimes- you don’t need anyone else to tell you what’s right. Trust your gut; it’s your ruling area, after all! If you’re really focused on taking care of those around you though, make sure whatever self love learning you’re indulging in can be shared with the rest of us. Like I said; you do tend to know best here!

How are your hobbies, Libra? Are you pacing the floor in boredom or have you found some new things to try out? Some new partners to try things out with? You’ve might have been going through people like hot cakes this past month, but don’t forget who really matters at the end of the day. Who do you want to come home to? Who do you want to whisk off to a homey dinner at the end of the day? Home life might still be a bit tough right now, so maybe try a friend dinner! Choose a few people you really trust, those who don’t mind keeping you on your toes (or vice versa) and set yourself up a little suaree. Even fruit juice looks good in a wine glass.

Scorpio, you’re probably feeling pretty slick lately. And with good reason! You’ve really done a lot of work to embrace who you really are, and that deserves a lot of love from yourself, the universe and those you love! You might be prone to really sharing this self love information, but remember to hold an open mind with it. You might be the current ruler at self-development, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn how much those around you are going through very similar stories. It’s okay to stay busy though; you never know who you might meet and connect with while out on the job.

Dear Sag, the world cares about you more than you might know! Feel the compassion coming at you from everywhere you look. You need only mention what you’re going through, and you might just find the universe answering your call in a multitude of ways. If anything, now is a great time to speak up! Are you feeling like you’re going to burst with excess energy? Are you aware of what things in your life might be missing? What are you not getting enough of that you truly need, Sag? It might be hard to direct such massive amounts of energy, but maybe make a list (or find a nice earth sign friend to help!) of hobbies you’ve got even the slightest bit of interest in. Your challenge this month is to try out at least a few of them, no matter how weird or silly it is. You might be intensely surprised what suddenly becomes a huge part of your life. Remember; your loved ones really do care about you, and really do want to give you any help they can!

How’s your self worth this month, Capricorn? Are you making sure not to let what anyone else says about you weigh you down? The world might sometimes feel like it’s out to bust your shine, but you know how to shake off what doesn’t truly resonate. You’re worth more than you may ever know. The universe has your back right now, trust whatever you might be called to do, even if it seems wildly out of the norm. There might be a few people in your life that you are getting close to cutting off- and I wouldn’t blame you. You put up with so much for so long … But even a mountain can blow it’s top and rework itself from the ground up! Are those you’ve known for years really having your best interest at heart? Consider what the best options here might be. It’s 2019, and we’ve got no more time for lack of consequence.

It’s your birthday month, Aquarius! You might be feeling yourself right now, and that’s awesome. Don’t let anyone bust your shine, but don’t forget we’re all here on this funky planet with you! You can’t be an island to yourself for very long, and it’s okay to trust people sometimes, even just for the short term. There’s a lot going on at home right now, I imagine, or maybe just behind your personal doors and shutters, but you know how to handle it. It might even feel kind of natural for you, Aqua. You’re still relearning how to fit yourself into this new paradigm we’re all shifting into, so keep at it. Your season is the time to explore and experiment how you put yourself out there, no need to be shy.

You’re getting close, Pisces. It might feel like do or die time in these next few weeks. What have you been putting off in regards to how much you care about yourself? What do you value? What really matters to you at the end of the day? It’s time to start standing up for that, for yourself. The world might still feel like a big unknown right now, and you may have no idea where you really stand, but the beauty of that … is that it means you get to decide. You get to choose where you are, what kind of person you are, how much you’re worth. And by golly, it’s time to do different. You might have been stewing on it for a while now, or maybe even going after what you feel is right! How you love others is how you are inherently capable of loving yourself.


Written by Elysse

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